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5 video courses to sharpen your business skills

Updated: Oct 6, 2020

If you work in a creative field you probably try to learn something new as often as you can. Perhaps you are taking a class in lettering or learning how to create animations, but are you investing enough time in improving your skills as a business owner? Yes, creating great work is undeniably a core requirement for growing your business but with a little bit of financial whits and marketing strategy you can make full use of all those opportunities that come your way. A great way to learn if you feel a bit pressed for time or tired from work is video courses. There are a ton of free options on Youtube or you can pay a little bit of money (or use a trial) to test paying alternatives like Skillshare. We have collected 5 courses that can help you grow your creative business and feel more confident as a business owner.


  • Modern Marketing with Seth Godin

  • Fundamentals of Google Analytics

  • Passive income for Designers

  • Accounting for creatives

  • Webinars with Invision

Modern Marketing with Seth Godin

By Seth Godin on Udemy

Seth Godin is know for stepping away from quick fixes and "hacks" and instead encourage entrepreneurs to focus on marketing that connects you with your audience. This course is for those that feel frustrated with marketing and want hands on advice to grow their business sustainably over time.

Fundamentals of Google Analytics

By Jeff Sauer for Skillshare

Knowing more about who visits your website and how they behave can help you get more qualified leads to build your business. In this Skillshare course by Jeff Sauer, you will learn how to set up goals on your website, how to understand visitors and how to track your goals over time.

Passive income for designers

By Robert Hranitzky and The Futur

passive income

Passive income is great for creating more reliable source of income over time but it takes some planning and work upfront. The Futur have several different courses on how to create sustainable passive income but this class with Robert Hranitzky is a great place to start to figure out if passive income is right for you.

Accounting for Creatives

By Michelle Cornish

This is a super quick course you can view in about 20 minutes but you will still get a ton of helpful advice. Michelle takes you through topics like what business expenses you can claim and what accounting apps are worth your time and money. This is a quick course that pays for itself.

Webinars with Invision

From how to run a design sprint to how creatives should react to a changing market, Invision have webinars with experts from each field guiding you through the topics. These webinars are great for solving specific questions about running your creative business but they will also keep you updated on trends and new opportunities in the market.

Good luck with your learning and please ask to join our Facebook community to get your questions answered directly. See you there!


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